Spring School

Spring School on DFT
First edition of the Spring School on DFT, Molecular Dynamics and Energy Efficiency,
May 19-21, 2025

This event is organized by ICAMSEE, with the participation of:

Pr. Konstantinos Termentzidis, CETHIL, France

Pr. Kohji Nakamura, Mie University, Japan

Pr. Joseph Kioseoglou, The University of Aristote Thessalonique, Greece

The main goal of these Days will be to train young researchers through courses and seminars presented by specialists in this field.

NB: The interventions will be spread over three sessions:

  • Session 1: DFT (QE, VASP,...)
  • Session 2: Molecular Dynamics (LAMMPS)
  • Session 3: Energy Efficiency

The number of places is limited; ICAMSEE2025 participants have priority.

Program (SOON)
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